3" Long Navajo Pearl Earrings
3" Long Navajo Pearl Earrings
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Queries |
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Queries |
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Queries |
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Queries |
1 x Booting (52.25%) | 66.33ms |
1 x Application (47.75%) | 60.62ms |
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select `productmst`.`id` as `product_id`, `productmst`.`name`, `productcategory`.`category_id`, `categorymst`.`image`, `translations`.`name` as `category_name`, `productmst`.`price`, `productmst`.`short_description`, `productmst`.`description`, `productmst`.`url_key`, `productmst`.`sku`, `products`.`type`, `productmst`.`weight`, `productmst`.`height`, `productmst`.`width`, `productmst`.`length`, `products`.`varient_ids`, `productmst`.`meta_title`, `productmst`.`meta_keywords`, `productmst`.`meta_description`, `inventories`.`inventory_status`, `inventories`.`qty` from `product_flat` as `productmst` left join `products` as `products` on `products`.`id` = `productmst`.`product_id` left join `product_categories` as `productcategory` on `productcategory`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id` left join `categories` as `categorymst` on `categorymst`.`id` = `productcategory`.`category_id` left join `product_inventories` as `inventories` on `inventories`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`product_id` left join `category_translations` as `translations` on `translations`.`category_id` = `categorymst`.`id` and `translations`.`locale` = 'en' where `productmst`.`url_key` = 'nylah-navajo-pearl-earrings' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `product_images` as `productmst` where `product_id` = 572 order by `front_image` asc
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select productmst.id as productmasterid, productmst.name, productmst.price, images.path, productmst.short_description, productmst.url_key,
(SELECT id FROM `product_varients` where product_id = productmst.product_id and status=0 and (variant_qty = "-" or variant_qty > 0) LIMIT 1) as product_varient_id,
(SELECT variant_qty FROM `product_varients` where product_id = productmst.product_id and status=0 and (variant_qty = "-" or variant_qty > 0) LIMIT 1) as product_varient_qty,
(SELECT count(*) FROM `product_varients` where product_id = productmst.product_id and status=0) as total_product_varient,
inventories.inventory_status,inventories.qty from `product_flat` as `productmst` left join `product_images` as `images` on `images`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`product_id` and `images`.`front_image` = 1 left join `product_categories` as `productcategory` on `productcategory`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id` left join `product_inventories` as `inventories` on `inventories`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`product_id` where `productcategory`.`category_id` = 9 and `productmst`.`id` != 572 and `status` = 1 and productmst.Productdisplaydatetime <= convert_tz(now(),"+00:00","-5:00") group by `productmst`.`id`
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `prorev`.`rating`, `prorev`.`comment`, `prorev`.`created_at`, `prorev`.`name` from `product_reviews` as `prorev` left join `customers` as `cusmr` on `cusmr`.`id` = `prorev`.`customer_id` where `prorev`.`product_id` = 572 and `prorev`.`status` = 'approved'
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `velocity_meta_data` where `locale` = 'en' and `channel` = 'default'
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_config` where `code` = 'general.design.admin_logo.favicon' and `channel_code` = 'default' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `categories`.`id`, `categories`.`image`, `category_translations`.`name` from `categories` inner join `category_translations` on `category_translations`.`category_id` = `categories`.`id` where `categories`.`id` != 11 and category_translations.locale = "en" order by `categories`.`position` asc
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `wishlist`.`id`, `product_flat`.`name`, `wishlist`.`product_id`, `wishlist`.`product_varient_id`, `wishlist`.`customer_id`, `product_flat`.`price`, `images`.`path` as `wishlistimage`, `product_flat`.`url_key`, `images`.`path` from `wishlist` left join `product_flat` on `product_flat`.`id` = `wishlist`.`product_id` left join `product_images` as `images` on `images`.`product_id` = `product_flat`.`id` where `customer_id` is null and `moved_to_cart` is null group by `wishlist`.`id`
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
SELECT cart.id as cart_id,
productmst.name as productname,
customers.email as customer_email,
custom_orders_product_trn.id as custom_orders_product_trn_id,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_id as custom_product_id,
custom_orders_product_trn.length as custom_product_length,
custom_orders_product_trn.width as custom_product_width,
custom_orders_product_trn.height as custom_product_height,
custom_orders_product_trn.weight as custom_product_weight,
custom_orders_product_trn.weight as total_weight,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_qty as custom_product_qty,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_qty as quantity,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_price as custom_product_price,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_price as total,
custom_orders.tax_amt as custom_tax_amt,
custom_orders.grand_total as custom_grand_total,
custom_orders.discount_amount as discount_amount,
cart.base_sub_total as base_sub_total,
images.path as productimage,
FROM `cart`
left join custom_orders on custom_orders.custom_order_cart_id = cart.id
left join customers on customers.id = custom_orders.user_id
left join custom_orders_product_trn on custom_orders_product_trn.custom_order_id = custom_orders.id
left join `product_flat` as `productmst` on `custom_orders_product_trn`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id`
left join `product_images` as `images` on `images`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id`
left join cart_rule_coupons as coupons on coupons.id= custom_orders.coupon_code
where `cart`.`is_active` != 2 and cart.product_type=2 and cart.id = 0 group by `custom_orders_product_trn`.`id`
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
SELECT cart.id as cart_id,
productmst.name as productname,
customers.email as customer_email,
custom_orders_product_trn.id as custom_orders_product_trn_id,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_id as custom_product_id,
custom_orders_product_trn.length as custom_product_length,
custom_orders_product_trn.width as custom_product_width,
custom_orders_product_trn.height as custom_product_height,
custom_orders_product_trn.weight as custom_product_weight,
custom_orders_product_trn.weight as total_weight,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_qty as custom_product_qty,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_qty as quantity,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_price as custom_product_price,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_price as total,
custom_orders.tax_amt as custom_tax_amt,
custom_orders.grand_total as custom_grand_total,
custom_orders.discount_amount as discount_amount,
cart.base_sub_total as base_sub_total,
images.path as productimage,
FROM `cart`
left join custom_orders on custom_orders.custom_order_cart_id = cart.id
left join customers on customers.id = custom_orders.user_id
left join custom_orders_product_trn on custom_orders_product_trn.custom_order_id = custom_orders.id
left join `product_flat` as `productmst` on `custom_orders_product_trn`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id`
left join `product_images` as `images` on `images`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id`
left join cart_rule_coupons as coupons on coupons.id= custom_orders.coupon_code
where `cart`.`is_active` != 2 and cart.product_type=2 and cart.id = 0 group by `custom_orders_product_trn`.`id`
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
SELECT cart.id as cart_id,
productmst.name as productname,
customers.email as customer_email,
custom_orders_product_trn.id as custom_orders_product_trn_id,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_id as custom_product_id,
custom_orders_product_trn.length as custom_product_length,
custom_orders_product_trn.width as custom_product_width,
custom_orders_product_trn.height as custom_product_height,
custom_orders_product_trn.weight as custom_product_weight,
custom_orders_product_trn.weight as total_weight,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_qty as custom_product_qty,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_qty as quantity,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_price as custom_product_price,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_price as total,
custom_orders.tax_amt as custom_tax_amt,
custom_orders.grand_total as custom_grand_total,
custom_orders.discount_amount as discount_amount,
cart.base_sub_total as base_sub_total,
images.path as productimage,
FROM `cart`
left join custom_orders on custom_orders.custom_order_cart_id = cart.id
left join customers on customers.id = custom_orders.user_id
left join custom_orders_product_trn on custom_orders_product_trn.custom_order_id = custom_orders.id
left join `product_flat` as `productmst` on `custom_orders_product_trn`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id`
left join `product_images` as `images` on `images`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id`
left join cart_rule_coupons as coupons on coupons.id= custom_orders.coupon_code
where `cart`.`is_active` != 2 and cart.product_type=2 and cart.id = 0 group by `custom_orders_product_trn`.`id`
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
SELECT cart.id as cart_id,
productmst.name as productname,
customers.email as customer_email,
custom_orders_product_trn.id as custom_orders_product_trn_id,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_id as custom_product_id,
custom_orders_product_trn.length as custom_product_length,
custom_orders_product_trn.width as custom_product_width,
custom_orders_product_trn.height as custom_product_height,
custom_orders_product_trn.weight as custom_product_weight,
custom_orders_product_trn.weight as total_weight,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_qty as custom_product_qty,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_qty as quantity,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_price as custom_product_price,
custom_orders_product_trn.product_price as total,
custom_orders.tax_amt as custom_tax_amt,
custom_orders.grand_total as custom_grand_total,
custom_orders.discount_amount as discount_amount,
cart.base_sub_total as base_sub_total,
images.path as productimage,
FROM `cart`
left join custom_orders on custom_orders.custom_order_cart_id = cart.id
left join customers on customers.id = custom_orders.user_id
left join custom_orders_product_trn on custom_orders_product_trn.custom_order_id = custom_orders.id
left join `product_flat` as `productmst` on `custom_orders_product_trn`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id`
left join `product_images` as `images` on `images`.`product_id` = `productmst`.`id`
left join cart_rule_coupons as coupons on coupons.id= custom_orders.coupon_code
where `cart`.`is_active` != 2 and cart.product_type=2 and cart.id = 0 group by `custom_orders_product_trn`.`id`
Metadata | |
Backtrace |
select `categories`.`id`, `categories`.`image`, `category_translations`.`name` from `categories` inner join `category_translations` on `category_translations`.`category_id` = `categories`.`id` where `categories`.`id` != 11 and category_translations.locale = "en" order by `categories`.`position` asc
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_config` where `code` = 'general.design.admin_logo.shop_social_facebook' and `channel_code` = 'default' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_config` where `code` = 'general.design.admin_logo.shop_social_instagram' and `channel_code` = 'default' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_config` where `code` = 'general.design.admin_logo.shop_social_tiktok' and `channel_code` = 'default' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_config` where `code` = 'general.design.admin_logo.shop_email_for' and `channel_code` = 'default' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `core_config` where `code` = 'general.design.admin_logo.phoneno' and `channel_code` = 'default' limit 1
Metadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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